#rath fire emblem
lastbronx · 1 year
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Misc FE art 🤧
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I want Lyn to survive without needing to marry certain characters, I want her to have a happy life with Mark somewhere in the plains as the 2 visit Rath and Sue as the kid's Godparents
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iubworks · 2 months
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FE7 Rath is now available on P@treon!
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frickingnerd · 8 months
parting ways with rath
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pairing: rath x gn!reader
summary: after reaching caelin, lyn's group heads their seperate ways and you say your goodbye with rath...
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after lyndis had finally reached caelin there was no reason for the little group she had assembled on her way to keep existing. some of them, like kent or sain, remained with lyndis and her grandfather, while others like rath or dorcas returned to their normal lives.  
you had decided to stay by lyn's side as well, but that meant you'd have to part ways with some of your former travel companions. like rath… 
you had grown quite fond of the young man during your travels. he had a tendency to keep his distance from others and rarely talk to anyone, but you had managed to get a few words out of him over time. though you knew the next words you'd say to him would likely be the last you two would ever exchange…
"i know we didn't know each other for long, but i'm glad i got to meet you, rath" you smiled at the sacean. "i'd hate to think this is the last time we speak… but perhaps we can one day meet again, on the plains!" 
rath remained quiet as you spoke, his eyes glued to you. you weren't sure he even wanted to reply to your farewell words, until he slowly started to speak. 
"perhaps the footprints we leave behind will one day be side by side again"
it was such an odd goodbye, but you couldn't help but smile. you hadn't expected rath to reciprocate your feelings, but you were happy that he did, even if he remained so vague. at least that meant you had hope to cling to…
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jadesnapart · 11 months
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Lyn & Rath's C Support
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zweiko · 7 months
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congrats on FEH debut!!!!!!!
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danannie521 · 2 months
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satellite-helen · 4 months
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agsilver33 · 11 months
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<<Commissions Open! - Check my homepage or my Deviantart account for more info!
Horseback archer from Fire Emblem - The Blazing Blade! Starring, Rath from Sacae!
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aroejumping · 2 years
contest of strength
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ladyaster · 19 days
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Remember when I said a while back that my next drawing of them was taking a while? Well, it's done now! This is the second silent film screenshot redraw I did, and while I like this better than the first one, I still am not a fan. It's Rath's hand, I only realized until too late that it's too small. But, well, at least I think I did a good job making the picture feel soft. I promised I'd provide more food for them but I think I'm cursed because every drawing I make of them except the Halloween picture turns out really blargh in my eyes. Will that deter me from continuing? Oh heck naw. The RathLyn community is starving and even two and half star food is still food. That said, hope it's to your liking! I'm hoping to make more of these in the future but as said in the previous post I need to do something about my tablet cord. Part 1 | [Part 2]
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duskemblem · 6 months
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My number three (my number one)
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i am embarrassed by how hot i find rath
because like i knew i was susceptible to guys with earring(s)
but like i didn't think it was THAT easy
like if you took off claude's earring i'd still find him hot because of everything else about him but honestly i think rath's earring (does he have one or two?) is carrying a lot of the weight for me and it's making me question myself--
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thegardenerknight · 1 year
FE Band Poll Results: Screaming Iron
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How's that for an edgy band name?
Thank you to everyone who voted on, liked, and reblogged my poll! I had fun doing this, and I hope you're happy with the picture.
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
I'm so excited, the Nintendo GBA expansion pass has Fire Emblem Blazing Blade! I was playing it for like two hours last night, I've always wanted to get my hands on some of the older FE games. :D
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yobsuba · 1 year
I'll never understand why people think Hector/Lyn wouldn't work because Lyn "wouldn't be happy away from Sacae" like literally her entire story mode is her up and leaving Sacae to find her grandfather in Caelin because she's sick of being alone in the plains, she would take a life with the people she loves in Lycia over a life alone in Sacae
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